Terms of Use | Cover Ninja

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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Platform Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) – last updated: Jan 2024

These terms and conditions cover the rights and responsibilities between: (i) you, as a UK user, (“Venue” or “Instructor”); (ii) the individual providing the services (“Cover Instructor”); the Venue and Instructor are collectively referred to as “You” and (iii) Cover Ninja Limited, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom under company registration number 11023398 (“Cover Ninja”, “We” or “Us”) in respect of any services required by a Venue and Instructor and provided by a Cover  Instructor via our website: https://app.coverninja.co.uk (the “Webapp”) or our mobile application (the “App”).  The Webapp and App are collectively known as the “Cover Ninja Platform”.

These Terms apply to both the Venue, Instructor and the Cover Instructor.

Please read these terms carefully before you subscribe to the services on the Cover Ninja Platform.  By visiting and using the Website, Webapp or the App to request or supply services you are confirming that you accept these Terms and that you agree to comply with them along with our Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree with these terms you must leave the Website, Webapp or App.


The Cover Ninja Platform allows the Venue/Instructor to request and book a broad range of on demand casual, ad hoc group exercise services (the “Services”) provided by the Cover Instructors under a separate work agreement between the Venue/Instructor and the Cover Instructor.

Our Platform also contains help and frequently asked questions to assist you with using the Cover Ninja Platform.

The Services booked by a Venue/Instructor or a Cover Instructor via the Cover Ninja Platform are the sole responsibility of the Cover Instructor who provides such Services.  We act only as a facilitation platform for the booking of such Services and are in no way responsible or liable to the Venue, Instructor or Cover Instructor for the actual Services that are performed.

Use of your personal information submitted to us is governed by our Privacy and Cookies Policy.  Additionally, by using the Cover Ninja Platform, you acknowledge that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure and that it is always possible that any message or information you send using the Cover Ninja Platform may be read or intercepted by others.

We are in no way bound by any promises or claims made either in writing or verbally by a Venue, Instructor or Cover Instructor to the extent that they purport to bind us to any additional terms not contained herein.

We may amend these Terms from time to time and you should check the Terms each time you use the Cover Ninja Platform.

The Venue and Instructor are entirely responsible for taking the necessary precautions to protect both personal safety and property when engaging the services of a Cover Instructor.

Neither the Venue, Instructor or the Cover Instructor is allowed to:

  • republish, redistribute or re-transmit the Cover Ninja Platform;
  • copy or store the Cover Ninja Platform other than for your use as permitted by these terms and conditions and as may occur incidentally in the normal course of use of your browser or mobile device;
  • store the Cover Ninja Platform on a server or other storage device connected to a network or create a database by systematically downloading and storing any data from the Cover Ninja Platform;
  • remove or change any content of the Cover Ninja Platform or attempt to circumvent security or interfere with the proper working of the Cover Ninja Platform or any servers on which it is hosted;
  • use the Cover Ninja Platform in a way that might damage our name or reputation or that of Cover Ninja.

2. How to use the platform

On registering on the Cover Ninja Platform, Venues and Instructors will be asked to create an account by providing their email address and a password.

Once the subscribers account has been set up, the Cover Ninja Platform can then be utilised to book on demand casual, ad hoc group exercise services. On completion of the job, the Venue/Instructor has the ability to rate and review the Cover Instructor.

3. Terms applicable specifically to Instructors (including Cover Instructors)

An Instructor will be required to create an account on the Cover Ninja Platform before being able to create a profile, detail the services they are prepared to offer and accept a request for Services.

In accepting these Terms the Instructor represents and warrants on an ongoing basis that you are: (i) over the age of 18 years; (ii) entitled to work in the United Kingdom; (iii) do not have any criminal convictions; (iv) hold valid and appropriate qualifications; and (v) hold valid public liability insurance.

On confirming the Service, the Venue will be able to view your public liability insurance on the Cover Ninja Platform.

On completion of the Services the Venue/Instructor will be asked to provide a rating which will be capable of being viewed by others on the Cover Ninja Platform.

The Cover Instructor will be solely liable to the Venue/Instructor for the Services that are performed.  In no way will we be liable to either the Venue/Instructor or the Cover Instructor.  The Cover Instructor will also be solely liable for any personal taxation that may apply as a result of you being paid for the Services.  Accordingly, the Cover Instructor shall indemnify Us and keep Us indemnified from and against all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal costs) which are incurred or suffered by Us out of or in connection with: (i) any breach of the Cover Instructor’s warrants and representations; (ii) the Cover Instructor’s performance of the Services; and (iii) payment for the Services including, but not limited to any income taxes or other taxes, national income, social security or other contributions, awards, compensation or damages which may apply as a result of being paid for the performance of such Services.

The Cover Instructor acknowledges and confirms that they are an independent self employed contractor and nothing in these Terms or the Services that the Cover Instructor provides via the Cover Ninja Platform is intended to, or shall be deemed to establish any relationship of: joint partnership; agency; employer and employee; or worker and hirer between the Cover Instructor and Us under any circumstances.

4. Limitation of Liability 

Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud, or fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability that cannot lawfully be excluded or limited.

If you are dissatisfied with the Cover Ninja Platform your only remedy under these Terms shall be to discontinue your use of the Cover Ninja Platform.  Without limiting the preceding sentence we shall have no liability for any failure or delay resulting from any matter beyond our reasonable control.

Other than as set out in the two paragraphs immediately above, we shall not be liable in contract, tort, negligence, statutory duty, misrepresentation or otherwise for any direct or indirect loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in any way connected with these Terms or your use of the Cover Ninja Platform.

Except as expressly set out in these Terms all conditions, warranties and obligations which may be implied or incorporated into these Terms by statute, common law or otherwise and any liabilities arising from them are expressly excluded to the extent permitted by law.

We shall not be liable for: (i) loss of revenue; (ii) loss of profit; (iii) loss of anticipated savings; or (iv) any other indirect, economic or consequential loss.

In the event that any limitation or exclusion of liability in these Terms is not enforceable then we shall not be liable to you for more than £250 in aggregate in respect of all matters concerning or arising out of your use of the Cover Ninja platform.

5. Disclaimers

Nothing in these Terms creates an obligation for Us to make direct introductions between the Venue, Instructor and the Cover Instructor and we reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate your access to the Cover Ninja Platform at our sole discretion.

We make no warranty that the Cover Ninja Platform will provide an uninterrupted service or be error free or that any defects will be corrected.

We make no warranty as to the quality, suitability or otherwise of the Cover Ninja to provide the Services and are not liable to the Venue or Instructor for any loss or damage You may incur as a result of being connected to a Cover Instructor.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

You acknowledge that all present and future copyright and other intellectual property rights subsisting in, or used in connection with, the Cover Ninja Platform (the “Intellectual Property”), including the manner in which the Website or the App is presented or appears and all information and documentation relating to both the Website, Webapp and the App, is our property (or that of our licensors) and remains vested in Us at all times and nothing in these Terms shall be taken to transfer any Intellectual Property to either the Venue, Instructor or Cover Instructor.

7. Data Protection

We shall comply with all applicable data protection legislation and ensure that at all times when We are processing personal data We take all appropriate technical, operational, managerial, physical, organisational measures in accordance with prevailing practices of care, skill, professionalism and diligence to safeguard against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against any unauthorised or unlawful accidental loss, destruction of, or damage to, personal data and ensure the security of such personal data.

8. External links

The Cover Ninja Platform may, from time to time, include links to external sites, which may include links to third party offers and promotions. We include these to provide you with access to information, products or services that you may find useful or interesting. We are not responsible for the content of these sites or for anything provided by them and do not guarantee that they will be continuously available. The fact that we include links to such external sites does not imply any endorsement of or association with their operators or promoters. 

9. Notices

Any notice to be given under these Terms must be in writing and either sent by email, delivered by hand or sent by recorded delivery to (i) in the case of Cover Ninja its registered address and (ii) in the case of a Venue, Instructor or Cover Instructor to the primary correspondence address (including email address) given to Cover Ninja.

10. Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Cover Ninja and Venues, Instructors and Cover Instructors and replaces any previous agreement or understanding (whether oral or written, express or implied) between us in respect of matters contained or referred to in these Terms.  Each of us agrees that, in entering into these Terms, we have not relied on, and have no remedy in respect of, any representation warranty or other provision (whether oral or written, express or implied) of any person, which is not expressly set out in these Terms.  The only remedy available in respect of any misrepresentation or untrue statement shall be a claim for breach of contract under these Terms, such claim to be subject to the limitation of liability section above.  This paragraph does not operate to limit or exclude any liability arising from any fraudulent or dishonest statement, act or omission.

11. Our Rights

We reserve the right at all times to edit, refuse to post or remove from the Cover Ninja Platform any profile, information or materials for any reason whatsoever, and to disclose any information we deem appropriate to satisfy any obligation we may have under applicable laws, regulatory requirements, legal processes, or to satisfy any request of the police, government or any regulatory body.  For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve the right to remove any rating that We believe in our sole discretion is inappropriate.

12. General 

If any of these Terms are held to be illegal or unenforceable for any reasons, such provisions shall be severed and the rest of the Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

You may not assign, transfer or sub-contract any of your rights under these Terms without our prior written consent.  We may assign, transfer or sub-contract all or any of our rights at any time without consent.

A person who is not a party to these Terms shall not have any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any provision in these Terms.

No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and no waiver shall constitute a continuing waiver so as to prevent us or you from acting upon any continuing or subsequent breach or default.

13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms shall be subject to the laws of England and Wales and the parties shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

14. Contacting us

Please submit any questions you have about these terms and conditions or any complaint or concern in relation to the Cover Ninja Platform here.

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