The founders of Cover Ninja had simply had enough! Class cover was a nightmare for both of them. With one founder being a busy freelance instructor and the other owning venues they both shared the same common problem – the nightmare of class cover!
Whilst enjoying a glass of blush rose in the beautiful South of France, reminiscing on what a struggle finding holiday cover had been, Cover Ninja was born! After months and months of planning, development, testing and soft launching, Cover Ninja launched in the UK in August 2019, with the support of Les Mills, EMD UK, classfinder and huge National fitness brands.

“Cover is the worst part of my job! Booking a holiday always comes with an impending anxiety about whether I can get my classes covered and if the cover instructor will not let me down and do a good job. I am always slightly on edge until after the class has finished without a phone call or message saying something went wrong.”

“Finding cover is a longwinded headache! It doesn’t stop at finding a cover instructor. Insurance, quality of instruction and member feedback are high on our priority list. Don’t get me started on the back and forth we get with cover instructors in terms of invoicing and payments..”