My venue is not on Cover Ninja yet but can I still post a request? | Cover Ninja

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My venue is not on Cover Ninja yet but can I still post a request?

Cover Ninja, July 2019

As a Founding Instructor and as we build up our venue database, you are able to add and save your venues and classes so that you can get cover for them.

Once you have saved your venue and classes in Settings, they are then ready to post whenever you need cover. Just simply hit Get Cover on the bottom bar and choose the day you need cover and then select the class. All the information is pre-loaded.  You are able to specify who gets the request by editing the Receiving Groups. For example you could prioritise people who are on the payroll for a certain brand. Or, you could specify that the instructor needs to be a REPs member etc. You can prioritise your favourite instructors as well. If they are live on Cover Ninja, you will be able to search them and select them. This means that if they are able to cover, they will be chosen ahead of anyone else.  If you want the request to only go to prioritised instructors and no one else, you can prioritise them and then remove the Cover Ninja database.  You are able to add further notes that will only be viewable by the confirmed cover instructor.

Then just post the request and it will go to all eligible instructors. You are able to view the status in your Your Cover > Cover I Need tab.  You will be notified when an instructor is confirmed.

Check out the video here:

To add a venue:

You must fill out the venue form.  Add the name of the venue (EG The Fitness Mosaic Chalk Farm).  You must then add the address, you can start typing in the address and then click the blue search button and select the correct address. Then add the venue website.  You can also add in invoicing details for the confirmed cover instructor. They will see this after they teach a class so they know who and how to invoice.  Save your venue and then you need to add your classes.

To add a class:

You must fill out all the information about your class so that the instructor knows whether they are able to cover or not.

  • Start with the name of the class (EG Spin 45).
  • You then must choose a category for this class. You must choose the category that best fits the class. This means that only instructors that have specified that they can teach that type of class will receive the request. So, for Spin 45 it would be the Spin/Cycle category but if it is a Les Mills class you need cover for, you can select the exact name of the class – this ensures that only qualified Les Mills instructors who teach that particular class will receive the request.
  • Then, choose the day of week the class is on.
  • Fill in the class time
  • Then add the pay rate that an instructor will receive if they cover
  • Add a class description that the instructor will be able to see before they choose to accept or decline the class
  • Finally you can add in any extra specific notes for the confirmed cover instructor. This could be anything from how to run the class, what to expect, where to find things, what to say to the class etc.

From here, save the class! This class is now saved for whenever you need cover.  You can add as many classes as you teach for that venue.

Once your classes are saved, you just need to click Get Cover tab and then choose the day you need cover for and your classes are already pre-loaded so it only takes a matter of moments to post the request.

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