When you set up your account you will be creating your Cover Ninja profile. This will include a profile image and some contact details. You will also be required to upload all of your insurance/certification documents so that we know you are a real instructor! Make sure you have your documents handy when you are setting up your account. You can upload an image from your phone’s image folder, or you can take a photo from the app of your document if it is printed out. You should include all of your different qualifications so that when you are confirmed to cover, the venue is able view these and make sure you are qualified to cover.
Please watch this video for a step by step walk through of creating an account.
You are also able to create your account on your desktop if easier. Just visit app.coverninja.co.uk and either Log In if you have already verified your email, or click “Sign up Now”. Once you have activated your account on your computer, you can then head back to your mobile app and log in from there.
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