Cover Ninja loves Community Fitness Network | Cover Ninja

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Cover Ninja loves Community Fitness Network

Cover Ninja, September 2019



Cover Ninja loves Community Fitness Network

How can we not love an initiative that strives to support instructors, increase participation and raise standards?

Well, we are in love with Community Fitness Network. Community Fitness can be anything from a Zumba Fitness class in your community centre, to a small walking group, to Pilates in the local primary school. Fitness can have such a huge impact on a community and helps build one. Let’s not forget the obvious fitness benefits, community fitness builds social circles, removes barriers, and supports a strong mind and body.

The force behind Community Fitness Network is Claire Goodliff. A self-confessed ‘del boy’, Claire’s personal and business mission is to increase the level of participation in community fitness around the UK. Good girl we say!

We wanted to know more about Claire and what makes her tick, so we managed to hold cheeky interview with her…

1. How long have you worked in the fitness industry?

I have worked within the fitness industry for 12 years. I’ve been an instructor for 11 years, have an events company based around fitness, own a sports bra business, worked for the national governing body of group fitness, been a trainer for 3 years for an international fitness brand too so I’m quite versed in the community side of the industry.

2. What surprising lessons have you learned along the way?

So many lessons. The biggest one is that as an instructor, we can get carried away with treating our business like a hobby. Planning and strategy are the key to longevity.

3. Why did Community Fitness Network want to work so closely with Cover Ninja?

Cover Ninja is a great way for community instructors to get quality cover without all the admin hassle when they want to take a break. With greater support services like Cover Ninja, Community Fitness Instructors are better able to run and maintain successful businesses.

4. Who are your biggest influences? Who or what inspired you to do what you’re doing today?

I don’t really think I have one key influencer for the path that I chose as there’s been many moments of inspiration and motivation. The main thing that influenced the desire to create Community Fitness Network was really that there’s such a visible need for it and nobody was doing it. So why not me!?

5. What’s the best advice you have ever received?

Do what it says on the tin!

6. Do you foresee any challenges ahead in the group exercise world?

I’m in community fitness which does mostly tend to be group exercise, and the biggest challenges in this side of this side of the industry are education and respect.

Respect from the other parts of the industry that those out there teaching classes in village halls are doing a fantastic job to increase participation; and that you don’t have to be gym based or a PT to make an impact. Standardising the education so that licenced instructors see the importance and need to become qualified instructors. Brands do an amazing job, so together we can emphasise the importance of gaining that base line qualification.

7. What’s your favourite group exercise class?

I’m on the fence to be honest. Zumba Fitness is what got me in to the industry full time, and their impact on the World of community fitness is something to be grateful for. That being said, I absolutely love Tae Bo from the 90’s.

8. What are you excited to see in the next few months of the Cover Ninja/CFN friendship?

I’m excited to build supportive relationships which allow us to achieve our objective. We promised that one of our key objectives was the support for instructors and working with Cover Ninja helps us achieve that.

9. What’s a non-fitness fact about you?

I’m a proper Del Boy. I love a punt on a business idea.



If you would like to know more about the Community Fitness Network take a look at their website here.

If you would like to learn more about Community Fitness Week (more details to come on this!) then check it out here.

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